Welcome to the Feminist Theory Workbook! Conceptualizing the Workbook began in early 2021 and culminated with presenting a prototype at the Making & Doing session of the 2021 Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) conference, where it was recognized with a Making & Doing Award.

The prototype we made in 2021 allowed us to experiment with using the Workbook as a printable resource designed for groups of readers trying out FTT as a way to read together. In contrast to models of reading that suppress the spatial, social, and personal conditions within which we read, the FTT Workbook instead asks readers to foreground, notice, and play with the objects, experiences, and situated environments that conditioned their reading, not as distractions but as part and parcel of the text’s emerging meanings. As folks use this prototype version, we invite them to share their experiences with us as we work on the next iteration of the Feminist Theory Theater Workbook, (coming soon to this space!) along with what we hope will be a growing archive of shared images, marked up workbooks, and other ephemera from experiments with FTT. Any feedback, responses, or scanned pages can be e-mailed to us at feministtheorytheater@gmail.com or uploaded via the submit page here.


Skeletons in the Archive: A Feminist Theory Theater Reading of the Science Studies Program